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  • jeffsmoot

"It's not my mountain..."

I ordered this book and am glad I did. I used to call up Dee Molenaar whenever I had a question about a route up one of the Cascade mountains, and he always had a story to tell, such as the time he climbed Mount Shasta solo in his later years (was he in his late 60s or even 70s? I forget) and the younger climbers were concerned about the “old man” plodding up the mountain late in the day. He was able to talk them out of “rescuing” him, he was proud to say. He made the summit and descended safely under his own power. This book, written by Dee’s daughter, Karen, is a sentimental diary of Dee’s life over the past two years, from age 98 through 100, as Dee and his family deal with the death of “Moz” Molenaar, Dee’s wife of 62 years, in February 2017 and Dee’s declining memory. It’s sad, of course, but also uplifting in places as Dee remembers details about friends and mountains from his past and makes remarkable observations about people and the land as he and Karen take trips across the Pacific Northwest including a return to Mount Rainier. “We’re heading up to Rainier tomorrow,” Karen tells him on his 100th birthday. “We’re going to see your mountain.” “It’s not my mountain,” he replies. “It belongs to anyone who loves mountains.” A reminder that, through his writing and art, Dee shared the mountains with us. Thank you, Karen, for sharing this. We are richer for it.

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